Organization: SIGMOD Industrial Program Committee
Avrilia Floratou, Microsoft, USA
Hakan Hacigumus, Google, USA
PC Members Alexander Shraer, Cockroach Labs Alkis Polyzotis, Databricks, USA Alon Y Halevy, Facebook Angelos Christos Anadiotis, Oracle Ashraf Aboulnaga, Qatar Computing Research Institute, HBKU Bailu Ding, Microsoft Research Biswapesh Chattopadhyay, Google Danica Porobic, Oracle Evangelia Sitaridi, NVIDIA Giovanni Matteo Fumarola, Amazon Web Services Ihab F Ilyas, U. of Waterloo/Tamr/Apple Indrajit Roy, Google Inc Jagan Sankaranarayanan, Google Inc Jingren Zhou, Alibaba Group Jyoti Leeka, Microsoft Konstantinos Karanasos, Meta Lyublena Antova, Meta Michael Carey, UC Irvine Nesime Tatbul, Intel Labs and MIT Orestis Polychroniou, Amazon Rathijit Sen, Microsoft Rebecca Taft, Cockroach Labs Sameer Agarwal, Meta Shaleen Deep, Microsoft Gray Systems Lab Todd J Green, Amazon Web Services Vijayshankar Raman, Google Yuanyuan Tian, Microsoft Gray Systems Lab Zechao Shang, Snowflake Inc.